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Currency Exchange rates *
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USD flag USD
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Japan flag JPY
AU flag AUD
CH flag CHF
* Base rate 1 £ British Pound
rates obtained from the European Central Bank -
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Our currency exchange services

retail currency services logo
Whether you are travelling on vacation or sending money abroad, Mercury FX Intl is vastly cheaper than any such service from a typical high street bank, post office or travel agent. Afterall we specialise in this area, it is the core of our business not just a sideline. With 5 branches all over London, we also offer a high degree of convenience......more
wholesale currency services logo
Whether you are making regular payments or just a single payment abroad, Mercury FX Intl is the right choice. Not only do we have the best exchange rates in the market but we provide you with your own personal contact within Mercury FX to oversee the transaction right through to completion.....more